Nov 27, 2023Liked by Ivan AD

1of10 doesn’t account for this relevance decay, and since views on the video are cumulative, it’s more prone to give you false positives. >>

so do you think 1of10 not too useful for beginner that start faceless youtube channel ? my biggest problem right now is to find niches that profitable enough, not too high competition.


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Depends how you use the tool.

I think 1of10 is perfectly fine if you are looking for niche ideas - but it's not going to be enough to just look for the videos with a high number in your niche and copy them.

I think my method is better, but there are it's own limitations - I don't have a way to do a continuous sampling of the channel's average VPH (like something like Social Blade maybe could). Also, my method is manual -it's my own spreadsheet with scripts I run once a week.

The BIG point of my post was though that all of these shortcut methods are flawed by default.

You should have a varied source of signals, and try to come up with ideas that aren't just repetition of what others have done, but provide a unique value or angle.

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This post is LOOONG

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